Monday, April 5, 2010

new life

it's amazing how time flies and how much can happen while that time is flying! In the 2 months since my last entry I've had much to celebrate. This past weekend we experienced very moving and meaningful Good Friday and Easter services. Retrospective analysis can be easy when the story is already written but I wonder if I would have acted any differently or if I too would have shouted out "crucify him"? I realise that my actions today are just as much a part of why the cross had to be endured. What always strikes me is that while we remember the pain and suffering of the cross Easter is really about new life and the hope we now have that death and pain no longer have a hold on us, and praise God for that gift. I've also experienced new life recently more closer to home... I mentioned in a previous blog about my good friend who was seriously ill, well, 2 months later and he is doing remarkably well and we praise God for that gift of life too. And then there is my new grand daughter, who is 2 months old next week and I dare say is the most beautiful little girl on the planet! I'm amazed at how much of a profound effect she has had on me already and I am truly surprised how emotional I was about it all. Holding her in my hands and all the feelings I had when holding my own daughter for the first time came rushing back. I thank God for the gifts of new life given to me these past 2 months and I pray you can find ways to celebrate the life He has given you! peace, m

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

dad you have started slacking, no new comments since april? what happened..